Barigo temperature and humidity barometer 3031

德國 Barigo 3031 溫濕度氣壓計

它不使用電力, 純粹是以機械構造來量測環境的 溫度、濕度、氣壓

精度就生活來用也還可以, 當然主要只是欣賞它的製造工藝.

-Size: diameter 9 x 11 cm (height)
-Weight: 230 g
-Material: main body: brass, dome: acrylic
* As the interior design of priority,
Because as a general household made some
There are errors.
In extreme conditions, such as high temperature and humidity, outdoor location
Please do not use.
Capable of measuring the temperature from 40 ° c-20 ° c
35-75% Humidity.
Furthermore, errors temperature ± 2 ° c, humidity ±0. 5%
Air pressure is ± 3 hPa (HPA) around.

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